System 3R offers a wide range of workholding solutions to the industry.  This includes workholding tools for your W/EDM needs, the popular Delphin chuck and even the Mitee Bite vacuum chuck.  MESCO regularly carrries these items on stock.

Every production plant uses clamping elements, jigs, fixtures, reference pallet systems and many other facilities to be able to clamp the range of workpieces machined efficiently and economically.  Here are some of the System 3R lines:

WoRKHOLDING tools for wirecut and edm systems

WoRKHOLDING tools for wirecut and edm systems

delphin chuck pneumatic clamping system

delphin chuck pneumatic clamping system

mitee bite vacuum chuck system

mitee bite vacuum chuck system

For more information, visit the System 3R website