Elektro Physik Mini Test 7200FH/7400FH

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The Elektro Physik Mini Test 7200FH/7400FH is a professional high end wall thickness measuring device for non- destructive measurements up to 24 mm thickness. It is suited to measure thickness of non-magnetic materials such as glass, synthetic materials, stainless steel and composites.

Using a Sensor-Integrated Digital Processing (SIDSP®) sensor, it ensures high accuracy and repeatability measurement. The SIDSP also has a built in temperature sensor that compensates for temperature influences of the measuring environment and the measured sample. The sensors are equipped with carbide metal tips for minimal wear and tear and longer life.

The reference steel balls are available in various  diameters and are subjected to a special Elektro Physik treatment process for a high repeatability of up to 0.5 percent.



The Mini Test 7200FH/740FH models are capable of non-destructive wall thickness measurement for the following materials:

  • Non-magnetic materials like synthetic materials, glass, ceramic, non-ferrous metals
  • Hollow items like bottles, aluminum cans, glass and plastic containers with complex geometries
  • Thermo-molded parts like cups, cans, bowls
  • Die-cast and molded plastic parts, fiber compound materials, non-ferrous metals etc., for e.g. in the automotive field (gear casing, body and interior components), in avionics (turbine components, combustion chambers, high-pressure pipes), in the medical field.


  • Precision in wall thickness measurement of up to 24 mm
  • Greater accuracy and repeatability by the sensor-integrated digital signal processing (SIDSP®)
  • High resolution upwards of 0.1 µm
  • 20 readings per second
  • Wear-resistant sensors with hardened sensor tips
  • Recording and statistical evaluation of up to 240,000 readings
  • Display of minimum and maximum values
  • Menu-driven operator interface
  • Context-oriented online help
  • RS 232 TTL and IrDa 1.0 interfaces

For detailed specifications, visit the Elektro Physik Mini Test 7200FH/7400FH eCatalog

For more information, visit the Elektro Physik website.